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Amoebattle is Released!

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, as you've probably guessed I've been very busy!! First, I am definitely continuing work on Directions of Destiny--it is a very precious part of me that I will never abandon, and I am constantly working on the story behind the scenes.

The reason why I have been so quiet is because for the past year and a half, among many many game projects I've been working on, I've also been acting as the Lead Artist on a Real Time Strategy game for Nintendo DSi and iPhone/iPad called Amoebattle!


I am very proud of this project because not only has it finally been released in the App Store this week, today it has just been highlighted by Apple as a Featured Game!! If you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, check out the Games section of the App Store and you'll find our game :D!

I played a large part in the development of this project, including character sprites and animation, backgrounds, and UI, but I didn't do it alone! I also had the help of other extremely talented artists like Fenryk, who designed all the characters and created the environment for the final stage, and Barlee and Drunkpugs who both also helped tremendously with the environments!!

Please check it out and support the project, especially if you're into RTS games like Starcraft or even Pikmin. It's available to purchase for just $4.99! It is also coming to DSiWare and the 3DS e-Shop very soon for the same price!

Now that it's out, I can breathe a huge sigh of relief, and I see a lot more time spent on Directions of Destiny :] Thanks everyone and I'll update again soon!

Pixel Sprites

It's been a while since I updated :'B

I've graduated! I've been working in a game studio! I've been doing freelance stuff. I've been writing my comic!!

I don't have much more to say for myself :'D

Here's some pixel sprites that I've done for some games that I've been working on over the past several months.