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Results matching “watercolor”

Alatus Tower

Alatus Tower

Another concept piece that I did last semester along with the last two watercolor pieces. :B I had sekritly put this one on my personal site a while back but I never actually put it up on here, so in case anybody missed it before, here it is!

I altered the design of Azalea's animus a little :'D Also this is Azalea circa 13 years old or something so shorter hair and no fancy council uniform yet!

Incidentally I just got hired onto a REAL GROWN-UP JOB which I'll be starting in March! The commute is pretty far (read: ridiculous) but I'm gonna be take my role in protecting our environment and ride the train there every day so I can work on this comic during the ride (as opposed to killing myself slowly suffering through four hours of car traffic everyday ha ha ha uggghhh).

Yay steady income @w@

The Headmaster's Office

Here's the second in the series of watercolor scenes that I'm working on :D It's the Alatus Headmaster's office!

Headmaster's Office

This one was a little tricky because of all the red going on, and with watercolor different colors have different physical properties when you put it on paper. With the red, after you put it on it tends to come off really easy if you do anything on top of it, and ideally I think it should have been left for the last layer. BUT it wasn't, so once it was put on, the rest of the painting felt like walking on tightrope. D:

SO ALSO. I got a better scan of this painting than the last one! The flatbed scanner at work actually scanned my coldpress paintings without any of the coldpress texture! So that means I don't have to do anything in hot press after all ;D (my prior experience with using hot press was relatively unpleasant, so this development pleases me.)

That being said, I rescanned the dorm room picture and changed up the scene a bit. :>

Dorm Room with Zephan and Ryan

This would be a year prior to the start of the story, with Zephan and Ryan both incoming freshman to the Alatus high school. Ryan, having been a student of the Alatus middle school, is showing Alatus new arrival Zephan around the dormitories.

I'm almost done with the next two paintings so I'll post them up within the next week ;D (which happens to be FINALS WEEK BTW alfksdfjsa;dfaj)

Dorm Room

Dorm Room with Zephan

This is the first in a series of watercolor background paintings that I'm working on. :> Unlike the previous environment thumbnails which include places outside the school, these paintings will be exclusively of various areas within the campus of the Alatus Institute.

I stuck Zephan in there to see how it looks, but I'm kind of indifferent about it, because the tooth texture of the watercolor paper stands out a little too much :<a. Apparently if I used a really really good scanner the tooth won't stand out so much though, but by really really good apparently they mean like $1000+ good Dx. It's an interesting effect, but I think I'll try using a hot press smooth paper some time and seeing how it'd look once a character is slapped onto it.

Incidentally, even though Zephan's standing here, this isn't actually his room. D: It's just a showcase dorm, so maybe he's just checking it out on a tour or something D:

Variations on a Theme

Variations on a Theme

This was an illustration, or I guess a series of mini-illustrations, done for a class I had last spring taught by Dorte Christjansen, one of my very favorite professors I've had at Fullerton thus far. :D It was our first project and we were to choose two subjects and arrange them together in various ways based on certain criteria and illustration techniques she taught us, and being a fag for cats and plants of course I chose to do the flower and cat. :')

It was during this semester that I got Rupert. I think shortly after this project was due. Aheheh. >__> Even the little cat in the middle-left illustration looks like Rupert--I can't remember if it was just because I had already seen a photo of him, or if it was because I've just subconsciously always wanted a cat exactly like him. o_o

Anyway, mediums used in this project include pencils, color pencils, inks, watercolor, and gouache.

Directions of Destiny Book Cover

Directions of Destiny Book Cover

Not actually a real book cover though; this was a project done back in Spring '08 in my Illustration class. The assignment was to pick a book and create a new book cover for it using illustration techniques and mediums we learned in the class. I asked my professor if I could use my own book (so that way it's more relevant to the rest of my gallery 8D()) and she OK'd it, so this was what came out of it!

The whole thing was done in gouache on a big 18"x24" piece of I think watercolor paper that my professor gave to me, and one of the most distressing aspects about the project was finding a scanner for this thing! XO Originally it was scanned in pieces and put together on the computer, except the colors were totally crappy when I did that. Eventually we found a Kinko's with a large-scale scanner which I had to pay like $10 to use, but at least it gave me an image that was actually presentable! @_@

Incidentally, I did some more work on my Art Archives from Wednesday and now I have an automated script set up to thumbnail anything I upload and display onto the server on the fly. ;D This'll give me more motivation to upload my sketches cause I won't have to worry about thumbnailing them all the time now!! Woooo @_@