Laptop broken D8
H-hey guys! Um, so the conventions the past three weeks have been fantastic, and it was wonderful seeing old fans of the comic in person! It really motivated me to work really hard this month to get a buffer of comic pages going on to ensure punctual updates for the rest of the summer!
...Except there is the minor complication of my laptop being in the repair shop right now. >_o I should've mentioned something sooner but augh no updates for like three whole weeks right after I said I'd resume updates == my eternal SHAME. But in any case, while working on prints at A-Kon, my laptop started to just freeze up completely and the fan would start going off right afterwards. It survived through the con all right because I managed to finish my prints before it really started going haywire, but since I've been back every time I tried to turn it on it'd freeze before I could even get past the log-in page.
So now the laptop's being fixed and I'm not entirely sure when I'll get it back. In the meantime I'll try to pencil and ink more comic pages? But to tide you over for now, I started updating my deviantArt gallery! Granted most of the stuff I'm uploading is already on my website, but eventually I'll get around to uploading some of the new fan art prints that I did for the conventions. :D
I'm hoping that I get my laptop back by next Thursday's update so I could put something up, so check back then!